How my story has shaped me and now allows me to help many other women to be EMPOWERED
After my parents divorce at age 13 my views on relationships and marriage were shattered.
So it became a focus for me, I would dream about having my own family and how I would do things differently.
But the reality when the time came for me was very different.
My relationships before my husband were intense and usually very superficial or one sided.
I attracted emotionally unavailable men as this is what I knew and was comfortable with, it was not what I wanted but it was what was known and comfortable, I would also push away the “good ones” due to my own lack of self love.
So this brings me to my marriage , a man I never thought I would get yet Fait kept bringing us together.
Our own inner demons have come up time and time again over the 10years of being with him.
He has been my biggest harshest teacher , forcing me to grow expand and change from the stuck-ness that I kept creating for myself and most of all US!
I have had to learn and move through old programs and patterning that didn’t serve me they kept me stuck in an older way of being and stopped US from propelling forward.
To experience true intimacy and kindness towards each other.
But my biggest lesson has been finding my truth in all of this, my voice my true authentic self.
To learn how to find and express my needs from the heart so he can meet me where I am.
In finding love for myself first and foremost I have been able to allow him to love me and see the love that he has always had for me that I could not see before due to the conditions I had created around what love looked like, felt like ect
Now we are working on more kindness towards each other after years of hurting each other,my aim is to be kind, compassionate and loving to the one man that against all odds never really gave up on me even when I gave up on myself.
I am sharing this with you as I know so many women who struggle with intimate relationships and their significant others.
I finally understand how I can help and that is to help you feel that love for self that is missing, to stop looking outside of yourself for answerers and for others to give you the validation only you need from you.
The journey of loving yourself and forgiving yourself is huge, forgiveness for self is not an easy road to walk down, to take a really good hard look at yourself and how you are showing up for you to the world and for others. What stories or programs are you being run by?
All of this is well and good, but if you don’t have the tools to really break free of this self crap talk then walking a new road of freedom and expansion is possible but will take you twice as long then if you had someone holding your hand and guiding you along the way.
I have created 3 packages to suit you on your journey where you are, all I know through my own experience is there needs to be commitment to change, commitment to self and to be ready to invest in YOU what ever that looks like.
Maybe it’s once a month for a year, weekly for 6 weeks, fortnightly for 12 weeks or really reinventing yourself inside out over 7 weeks of true transformation.
I have crafted these based on how I get traction, which is all in hard and fast but I am aware not all are like me, some people need time to integrate and unravel the work we do together.
The one thing I am sure of though is that all you need is a commitment to want a different outcome the how’s are irrelevant.
It is my life mission and purpose to help women feel empowered in self, to know who you truly are, what your drivers are and what your triggers are, to be able to identify why those triggers are there and with my help we will dissolve and release them along with Downloading you with the beliefs , feelings and discernment that you are missing to help you feel stronger and make aligned. This is truly a magical journey and life will feel happier and more fulfilling for saying yes to yourself and your happiness.
I look forward to connecting with you and holding space for you .
Lyndle xox