Get to know Lyndle
Lyndle is passionate about Holistic Health, wellness and empowerment. That is why she has taken the time to expand on her skillset so that she can help guide you on your journey.
Lyndle’s Story
Hello there! My name is Lyndle Bryan and I’m a holistic Hairdresser, Makeup Artist and Healer.
You could say that I’m one of the lucky ones because from the moment I left school in Year 10 I knew I wanted to be a freelance artist. When I first started out I was constantly discouraged, told not to waste my time and that there was no money in the profession. This only fed my passion and drive to not only follow my dream but be successful at it.
My early teens were somewhat troubled and had many ups and downs. My parent’s divorce led me to seek the wrong kinds of attention from boys at a young age. I felt unloved, unworthy and invisible. This pit of despair made it harder for me to complete even the simplest of day to day tasks which made it difficult to follow my passion. Halfway through my diploma, my dad could no longer help me pay for my course and I was forced to give it up. The boy I loved (before I learnt what love really meant!) at the time was seeing another girl. I just wanted to hide away from the world.
My dreams were falling apart right in front of my eyes. Some days I couldn’t keep food or water down, I was losing a lot of weight and fading away. I was subjected to test after test yet the doctors still had no answers for my worsening health. That was when a girl I had studied suggested I may have been suffering from anxiety.
I learnt that I am an empath and that’s why I struggled when I was younger. I felt everything soooo deeply. I knew and understood things far past the spoken word and relationships were testing because I would feel the change in a person before they even realised, I knew when I was being rejected or wronged, through dreams or just a simple knowing.
I believe this is a big part of why I have been so good at my craft. I like to get to know people on a deeper level, to understand why they do what they do. My yearning to support my beauty clients on a holistic level and help them to move forward grew louder and louder. At the time I didn’t have the tools so I referred them to the numerous people who helped me grow my own awareness. But I wanted to do more!
Finding Access Consciousness and Theta has been a game changer for me. I know have the tools to help others realise and understand the programming from our childhood and beyond. To then remove and release all that doesn’t serve us. So we can really step into our true selves and live life in our divine purpose with ease, joy and glory and most of all feel fulfilled and happy.
I have learnt for myself and now teach that our past doesn't define us. It teaches us valuable lessons, to help us grow to show us compassion for ourselves and others. When you step out of being the victim of your circumstances and into the question, it is amazing what you can learn about yourself.
I now live to peel back all of my layers so that I can continue to step more and more into my alignment for myself, so that I can teach others to do the same.
Something in me changed at that moment. I came to the realisation that I was doing this to myself. My thoughts, feelings, behaviours and self-loathing were not aligning with my truth and it was making me physically sick. This meant I had the ability to heal myself and I started along the road to recovery for my anxiety.
A few years later I landed an amazing opportunity at Toni & Guy and again my dreams were being realised and I was ecstatic. I wore my heart on my sleeve despite the cliquey and bitchy nature of some of the girls I worked with. They found me an easy target, but my passion and determination for my craft drove me to complete my apprenticeship.
At the age of 23 I left T&G to venture out on my own, and my other business Hair on the move 2 u (now known as Hair Beauty Life Co) was born.
I began to reflect on my experiences leading up to this point. My relationship with my parents, the anxiety I had dealt with, the type of mum I wanted to be. I wanted to break the cycle of my parents and the patterning that we inherently take on. This led me to try all sorts of conventional and unconventional therapies and where my journey of enlightenment began.
From my experience with countless therapists and modalities over the years, I found energy healing the most profound. I was learning about the experiences in my lifetimes and how that affected my being.
Listen to Lyndle share her spiritual journey and discuss holistic healing.
ThetaHealing® Certifications
Learning the practice of techniques that allow you to change life patterns held in place by core, genetic, historic and soul beliefs, either self inflicted or externally imposed. Lyndle has been taught how to reveal her own and her client’s systems of belief, showing the body how to replace limiting beliefs or feelings with positive ones.
Angel Intuitive Certification
Lyndle has learnt to use her intuition to align with heals blocks and restrictions from your life through readings and angel healing.
Conscious Horse Conscious Rider Certification
Through working with horses and the Conscious Horse Conscious Rider course, Lyndle discovered a profound sense of trust, learnt how to step out of her head and be present in the world around her, and understand the subtle nuances of true leadership.