Guided Mediation
We're going to focus on that ball of light that beautiful ball of light and once that ball of light is activated and you can really feel that you can see that i want you to imagine that that ball of light is starting to move up through your throat chakra through your third eye and out through the top of your head
I want you to visualise that beautiful ball of light shooting up into the atmosphere as high as it can go you're gonna go through some dark light and some white light and some dark light and some white light you're gonna move through all the colors of the rainbow so pinks and greens and blue we want to keep moving through blue because that's the law of magnetism through deep purple and then you're going to see a beautiful square with like a misty white light and there's going to be pink light and compassion that's going to help push you through that beautiful square of light and it's going to pop you out the other side and i just want you to visualize your your you are this ball of energy this white light is just moving through the atmosphere it's going to keep moving it's going to keep going up up as high as it can go you just want to keep going as high as you can possibly go until you feel that your whole body is just basically feeling quite relaxed and heavy now so basically your consciousness is in the seventh plane of existence this is where creator exists and this is where we can access all of the infinite information that we have always readily available to us this is what's going to help us be in flow and be connected so i want you to be aware now that your body can just feel really heavy and relaxed and that this energy is one in the same that you are this energy and this energy is you and as you drop this energy back into your your body and your heart chakra through your crown through your throat back into your heart i want you to visualize this ball of energy moving down to your tailbone and i want you to imagine that your tailbone is growing like a tail it's growing out of your back and it's going to move down into the earth and i want you to see it planting into the ground and it's going to just move down to the core of the earth it's going to keep you really planted and really grounded and then imagine that those that that tail is now going sideways on both sides both directions like the roots of a tree so that your body's your your tailbone and your physical body is absolutely rooted into the ground so you feel completely stable completely safe and completely rooted and i want you to imagine bringing up all of the amazingness that the earth has to offer so pulling up all the nutrients the minerals and vitamins everything that your body might need so pulling up magnesium and some zinc and vitamin d even though that's from the sun so we're going to penetrate into the ground vitamin e vitamin b12 you're going to pull that up into your body we're also going to command now that your all of your hormones are balanced and raised to the optimum levels for yourself we're going to command that the creator levels out all of your hormone levels and we're going to up your serotonin and balance any rna and dna within your systems we're basically just going to command and ask the creator to help your bodies function at the most optimum for yourselves and anything where your body is lacking that that is raised and anywhere that your body has too much of something that is lowered just enough that it's not going to shock your system but enough that your body is able to to focus and manage that basically we just want your body to be working in the highest and best for yourself so i just want you to feel now and really just accept all of these these balances and these downloads now feel them drop into your heart space and into your body and as you feel yourself really relaxed knowing again that you're extremely rooted into the ground pulling up all of the vital nutrients and minerals that you need and that you're able to command this into existence as is needed
beautiful all right so now we are really beautifully grounded and we are rooted into the earth's atmosphere this is when the best of the best happens with our activations so the real focus for me today for you guys was really all about dropping into your awareness and dropping into your spaces so anything that i say now in terms of clearings if you want to accept that and you you want that to be a reality for you you simply just have to say yes to yourself in your head or out loud and it is done so anywhere in your life where you constantly have resistance anywhere in your life where you have the belief or the idea in your mind that everything is just too hard um anywhere in your life where you're feeling overwhelm stress and fear that it ends up affecting your body and it stops it from working optimally and flowing in its optimum health and abundance we're going to with your permission now we're going to remove and release this we're going to send it back to the creators loving light pick mist of compassion and we're going to download so any downloads you want to accept now just say yes out loud or to yourself we're going to download the virtues of compassion we're going to download the virtues of trust himself trusting creator trust in your connection and your inner guidance we're also going to download the knowingness of how to speak your truth and the knowingness of what your truth is so even though the group collective there is a lot of fear based things going on but the more that we can raise our own consciousness and be really consciously aware of what's going on in this world and really dropping into what does that feel like for me what is my truth so you know what truth is for me and how i know what truth is it's when it feels light when anything feels heavy that's usually always to me that that is all about that's you know a lie or an untruth so anything that i'm saying where it feels like to you and that's your truth just accept that and allow that to drop into your existence so anywhere in this in this lifetime where you know how to speak your truth you want to know how to speak your truth you know what your truth is that your throat chakra is wide open and that speaking your truth is easy that knowing your truth is easy that you are not forced into that you know that you have the ability within yourself to not be forced into doing anything that doesn't that is not your truth that you know how to live your life every day in your truth showing up in your truth speaking your truth and being your truest version of who you are so let's download that now let's bring this into your existence and make this a part of your everyday life and beingness so if you accept these downloads just say yes i just ask the creator of all that is to show me it is done it is done it is done thank you
oh so i get like chills down my body when i tend to when i'm activated and when things are dropping in
okay so amazing so i've also just tested and our group consciousness is sitting at a seven which is pretty amazing that's usually its empowered choice so that's really where we want to be sitting we want to be moving up to eight or nine which is you know where you're at you know what your purpose is and also knowing that you can make the right choices for yourself um so anywhere in your life where you feel like you doubt yourself and you don't know
you don't necessarily know what the right steps are in moving forward in your life or that if you feel like you need to justify yourself to yourself or to other people anywhere in your life that that comes up and that doesn't serve you let's destroy and uncreate that now right wrong good bad pod poc or nine shots boys and beyonds oh that's actually a really big one for a lot of us so anywhere in our lives where um we feel like we need to be something other than who we are or we need to show up in a way in life that is going to serve everybody else but not ourselves any anywhere in life where that shows up and anything that brings up let's just try and uncreate that now right wrong good bad pod and poc all nine shorts boys and beyonds so basically just so you're aware i'm using a mix of theater and access consciousness um so access consciousness is all about the clearing statement so so i i burp a little bit when i'm clearing stuff for people so i'm not being rude it's just the energies that are moving and releasing through your bodies so every time we do this work it's helping us all shift on a group conscious level it's not just individual it's also so much more than that um so anywhere in your life where fear is your driver where fear stops you from making a decision that you really want to make or having a conversation that you really want to have or letting go of this ease in your body that is controlling you let's destroy and uncreate that now so anything that that brings up let's just throw it on create that now right wrong good bad and poc all nine shorts boys and beyonds so just remember that anything that i'm bringing up if you want to destroy and uncreate it you just say yes either out loud or in your head and the activation is locked in so anywhere in your life where
you are
fearful of making the wrong mistake or fearful of you know making the wrong the wrong decision i think it's remembering that there is no such thing as a wrong choice or a wrong decision because we always have choices life is all about choices and we have infinite abundance and possibility to make choices whatever the choices are so whenever we're feeling stuck like we don't have any other option or any choice and we don't have any way out anything that brings up let's destroy and uncreate it now yes if you want to accept that right wrong good bad hot and pop or nine shorts boys and beyonds so i think again it's about stepping into knowing that
when we have the ability to shift perspective so the more we step into our consciousness our higher consciousness and our higher selves and we remove these layers of these beliefs that we've taken on on a group conscious level or from our lineages and anywhere where we take on this stuff that's not ours and that becomes the driver so we're then removed because we're no longer the driver in our lives anywhere that we have consciously or unconsciously accepted a group conscious belief that doesn't serve us and anything that brings up will you destroy and uncreate it now right wrong good bad pod and pop all night shorts boys and beyonds so anything where
you feel that you can't make empowered choices or you can't make empowered decisions for yourselves where you have given your power away because you have decided that something that you have been told is the truth so it could be that um
this might not sit with everybody but that you have like a life-threatening disease and there is absolutely no other option but one way anywhere that you there's a part of you that believes that there might be another option for you that there might actually be a different truth a different reality a different outcome but the general society or the conscious belief tells you that that's not the case
and on some level you've accepted that as truth when you know that it's not anything that that brings up we destroy and uncreate all that please right wrong good bad pod and pop all nine shorts boys and beyonds well these are actually some really big clearings um so anybody else watching if there's anything in particular that really coming up for you that you would like to shift through that i haven't touched on yet please send me a message or um
mana or gary is there anything else in particular that's really been kind of bothering you that's sort of been standing the way of you really stepping into your truth and your power
i guess just the stuff that i mentioned before to you yep um
so just you know obviously not having that clearness in my own mind as to what's so what do the best and what's not the best well what do you think's actually standing in the way of you knowing your truth
judgment okay so anywhere in your life where you feel like you're going to be judged wrongly or that you judge yourself for not making the right decision um or not showing up in the way that you think you should or that others perceive that you should so anywhere in your life where and anything that that brings up will you destroy and uncreate that please yes right wrong good bad pod and poc all nine shorts boys uh judgment's a big begun so the more we step into consciousness the more we can release ourselves from judgment judgment of self judgments of others and judgments of perceived ideas and perceptions of what we think other people should or shouldn't be doing so this is a really interesting one that's been coming up a lot especially in access consciousness is about when we can remove judgment we're really free it's very very freeing because you're now no longer in in a stuckness or a space of like right or wrong because there is no right or wrong right because you're always making choices so the more you can align yourself with affirming that i'm making this choice i'm making a choice i'm making a choice based on again what feels like and what feels heavy so if you're in a situation where um you feel like a little bit divided you're not entirely sure which way to go drop back into what feels light and what feels heavy for me because that in in itself is your truth okay yeah so
what else is there in this so this is this is a good one because judgment is something that we all tend to have done a lot when we're not working from a conscious space so anywhere that we allow ourselves to show up in life
in the versions of what other people expect us to be or how we should or how they perceive us to be or how they expect we should behave or react and anything that brings up will destroy and uncreate that now right wrong good bad pop all right shorts boys and beyonds um anything else on that because that was a good one
no no that's pretty perfect actually yeah so i think there's just more work for you to do there to unravel what you're like where you're judging yourself and where you're allowed allowing judgment of others to really take give your power away so you're not making making choices but what i'm really hearing for you is the more you can just like when some when things are coming up drop into is that heavy or light and you know really gauging what that feels like for you it's going to be a lot easier for you to make empowered choices because it will then flow so you know i guess you probably again you've noticed in life when things are difficult when things don't flow when things don't move with ease it's because we're you know that whole that saying of pushing [ __ ] uphill if it's hard and there's so much resistance well you've got to question why is there so much resistance because it's not in your heart yes so i think through this work what i've learned the most is that creator because the lack of a better word you can kind of believe in whatever you want to believe in but creator of all that is energy we are create a creator is us just wants what's in our highest and best so our higher self just wants us whatever is in our hearts and best so that's that gauge of the more we're dropping into what's light for me what's heavy for me when i'm dropping into what's light for me it's because it's what's in my highest and best and when i'm faced with resistance it's because there's something else out there or there's something better and it might not be my perception of how i wanted things to be but it's you know again trusting in that you know guidance because it is in my highest and best and it's going to get me the more of the desired outcome that i've been asking for so gary is there anything specifically with you like i know you've got a lot of stuff going on but as we've been talking is there anything specifically that jumps out for you that you're like oh this keeps coming up for me like you keep seeing like recurring pattern in your life in either behavior or um things that just kind of keep happening that you like i'd really love to shift that
there we go um for me i think you know my situation um it's a lot of health um issues been going along for uh five years now work is extremely stressful relationship issues i seem to have reoccurring problems there um and the same thing um seems to eventuate with with you know different people i've been with what's what's the pattern there because there's obviously like there's a lesson there that's meant to be learnt and something that's meant to be shifted and released so if if i can even just shift that slightest little bit of perspective and resistance there so that you don't have to keep basically running your life on this um merry-go-round or like you know like i want to see about the hamster wheel you know you just keep going round and round circles and not getting anywhere fast yeah i think the patterns sort of commitment from mine um due to health issues and you know running the companies i just so what i'm hearing what i'm feeling and what's dropping in is um your escapism or your you know if if i don't fully commit i'm not i'm not committing to you because i've i've got health issues or it's work like they're just excuses there are excuses as to why you can't fully commit but what i'm actually hearing is it's really all about the worthiness so if we could remove and release from you
anywhere in your life in this lifetime and getting into change so this lifetime history genetic core okay so this stems from this is a cool lifetime um belief that it has been um stuck to you or that you've bought through from so cause like um seven seven many many years ago so you thought this back you've brought this through with you so if we drop into your consciousness and we take you back to this core lifetime
um so i just want you to drop into this like i don't know how easy this is going to be for you but i'm here to kind of guide you so there's no right or wrong i just want you to drop into the energy of this core lifetime so in this core lifetime
do you get a particular feeling does like a like a thought pop into your head just instantaneously of something like that you like all that strange or how are you feeling you feeling something different that you may not have been feeling before this is still new work for a lot of you so it's not always easy to just know so there's no right or wrong is there anything that drops into you here
um the sense of failure in some respects okay um it's uh yeah i i sort of have the why me attitude
um the feeling is that's from this lifetime in the cool lifetime there's quite a lot of restriction around my throat so that in this time and space around this core life
i actually think that it had a lot to do with you were quite wealthy and you lost everything and in that time and space with losing everything you created obviously this belief and you know dropped into this space of like well you know i've completely failed you've given up on life um and you know that it's just it's that complete defeat so if you three years yeah yeah so because this is a core belief right so this is something that's come through from lineages after lineages this is this is what's so amazing with this work so i want you to close your eyes and i want you just to visualize best you can that you're back in this core lifetime um and this particular lifetime in this lineage has um literally been defeated you've lost everything but there's a lesson that's been learnt in this so if you could kind of drop into this space what's the lesson that you would have learnt in in this lifetime from losing everything so say creator wants you to learn a lesson what would that lesson be
uh just i've rebuilt into a stronger person now and so so the lesson was you've you've learned how to you re-establish yourself you've learnt how you you learnt the tools of um never giving up of resilience of you know digging your way out of a tunnel in a sense you know finding your way back on your feet and moving back towards the light so let's um imagine that we're going to unhook yourself from this this time and space reality we're going to send all of the hurt and the trauma so like you know this feeling of complete desperation this feeling of being a failure this feeling of not being good enough of not amounting to anything um we're gonna we're gonna send all of that back to the creators loving light um because we don't need to keep that trauma locked in our systems any longer and we're going to bring forward all of those amazing lessons that we've learned so we've learned how to be resist resilient and you know how to be resourceful and how to recreate ourselves that's a pretty amazing um amazing lesson so anyone else listening you can also take in these downloads of um i know how to recreate myself i know how to be resourceful i know how to um
find my niche i know how to create create something magical i know i know how guided i am i know how to tap into my unique guidance system i know how to ask for divine guidance receive divine guidance and instill divine guidance into my daily life oh yeah that's a big one but knowing again how to rebuild from nothing and and also having the virtues that i am good enough and i'm good enough to keep what i have built and i am deserving enough to build an empire that i am proud of and maintain and keep my empire that i know i am worthy of great success and abundance and i know what it feels like to have abundance of all kinds from the greatest perspective definition and understanding so if you accept these downloads please say yes and we'll ask creative all that is now to download these into your being and your existence and so specifically for you gary we're bringing forward all of those valuable lessons that we learnt from that lifetime that core lifetime but everyone else that's listening and watching any of those downloads that we've just downloaded and you've said yes to you've also gotten those and accepted those into your existence so we've basically now healed a core trauma lifetime we've now healed a core trauma um we've healed that pain so you don't need to continue cycling this through into your life so i mean there's going to be so many layers and so many facets are going to be attached to this but you know anything that shows up in our lives is simply showing up in our lives because it is a way of i guess showing us where we need to shift a perspective or we need a shift of belief that's attached to that that doesn't serve us so i also want to shift a group conscious belief that is all around fear i am driven by fear and fear is how i make my decisions and any anywhere and anything that that brings up on any level time space reality will you strain on create that now please don't forget to say yes right wrong good bad pod and pop or nine shorts boys and beyonds in anywhere in any lifetime in any space-time reality where i haven't been made to feel shameful or been shamed
for having my own thoughts for living in my consciousness for accessing my truth for knowing my truth so anywhere on any lifetime in any generation or any contract or any oath or any yeah any contract or any oath that we have signed that stops us from really knowing what our truth is and stepping into our truth and being able to make decisions for ourselves based on our truth so anywhere in any lifetime where we have signed any contracts or oaths that stop us from doing this let's destroy and uncreate that now please right wrong good bad pod and pop or nine shorts boys and beyonds we also want to um
uh rescind recount reclaim denounce and just destroy and uncreate all contracts oaths fielders and communities on this lifetime of any lifetime that keeps us stuck in fear and keeps us stuck from being able to move into making the right decisions for ourselves and knowing what our truth is and anything that that brings up on any levels would you strain on create that now please right wrong good bad pod and pop all nine shorts boys and beyonds okay so that's feeling um pretty good how's everyone feeling you actually a lot lighter um mana like i can actually see your your like conscious space and your energy has shifted this stuff even you too gary i can see in your face it just doesn't look so tight and tense this work is incredible and this is why i wanted to share it with you all so you know if you haven't experienced this kind of work before i think the best way to kind of know what it's all about is to experience it um so yeah that's that's i feel like i'm just going to energy break that now but is there any particular questions i've got my star state oracles and i've got my angel answers um or a pendulum my pendulum is really good for yes or no's if you have specific questions that you might like answered that you're not entirely sure of
on facebook if you've also got any specific questions um i am happy to answer a couple before we finish for this evening otherwise i'll just pull a couple of cards and just see what comes out for the for the group
yeah i'm happy to listen okay yeah mana um i guess if you can have a little look and see that from now on um till the end of the year will things fall into the place i hear yes already yeah things fall into place that matters
yes in general yes awesome an angel card really quickly as well
this jumped out at me you're ready
so does that resonate with what you're kind of thinking yeah because it's almost like year by year you know it's just little things like okay i'm going to declutter or i'm going to do this today something else will just jump in the space and distract me from what needs to be done and then it's it's almost been a constant yeah um and it's like someone's always jumping in someone or something is always jumping into the space of what i need i consciously need to be doing okay so what i'm hearing there it's all about boundaries um you're needing to enforce stronger boundaries for yourself and we need to remove the guilt that's attached to you around being able to prioritize yourself and not feeling guilty around being able to say well actually no now doesn't work for me i mean some things are out of your control but there are i do feel that there are a lot of times where you could have said no but you didn't because you felt guilty um and again that's all about taking back your power taking back your control and going well no actually i've prioritized this for myself and i am important but what i'm hearing is this is this is a long a belief that you've you've actually brought down i think from your mother's side um that you have just taken on so you know i think this is a lineage thing from her ancestors that all the women just took on that's what the women did and you just did that but you know so it's nearly like i'm not deserving of or you know like my time's not important and then there's that guilt that's attached to that so um this is this is where we can you know we can definitely dig into that a little bit more and do some more releasing specifically around those sorts of things so that one we release those those contracts and those vows and also the lifetimes where you know he'll heal that heal those beliefs where you know being a woman has certain duties and all of those sorts of things because i think that's what's really happening for you there because yeah and you're constantly being tested constantly being tested to kind of you know are you going to um have a different answer today you're going to show up in a different way you're going to break this pattern or you're just going to continue to fall back into what is so yeah that's what i can see happening there
um so i'm just going to do one last um read on see if i can just get something clocker than a group conscious i actually really love these cards these are the starseed oracles
um let's see what we have
all right
the first one is all around hereth longing for home i'm homesick for the stars so um again group consciously which is really all we've been talking about tonight is that the group conscious we're either elevating in a conscious way so we've got all of the all of us spiritual people that are even remotely spiritual like really stepping into that elevation there's been group um conscious elevation happening so you know if you've been feeling particularly tired or like a little bit off-kilter in the last kind of weeks or two especially since this um this solar eclipse it's been extremely intense and there's been a lot of unraveling for anyone that has any like level of consciousness going on we're being called to really step into our soul selves um because i think this time more now than ever which is again why we did this tonight um is really calling for um consciousness so i'm gonna read what this card means because i really do love the meanings behind them in case i've missed something if i can find it
here if is a welsh word that's difficult to translate but refers to a certain longing or homesickness a yearning for home or a place to which you cannot return the unexplainable unshakable longing for home is common in starseeds or old souls perhaps you've had since birth for some it's a distant memory of a planet galaxy or a star system in the universe that their soul remembers or yearns for your yearns for a place they may have experienced more than earth for others it's longing for unity or source a remembering of interconnected oneness so again like that's sort of all about each of us being able to step back into our truth our soul selves like again i think we're being called back to that and with everything that's going on in the world one we've got more time to be able to reconnect but also too i believe that with what's happening we're being forced into a new way of of being because it's either you have to make a decision you're either going to be a soul-centered human or are you going to be for lack of a better word a robot
so that's kind of what i feel is happening here so if you're yearning for home but you're not really sure where home is you're being invited to remember that your soul chose to be on earth you're being called to fully commit to embodying bodying your life you're being reassured that you didn't come here alone and your soul consciously decided to experience what it is like to be soul human body in this planet so you're choosing this existence so that's something i think that's been really unveiling a lot for me is we choose this existence we choose this life we've chosen this life and being human as hard as it can be can also pretty be pretty bloody amazing and there's things we can do because we've got bodies that if you're just a soul you wouldn't be able to so you're being called to anchor in all your presence your personality your soul and your spirit in the here and now to fully commit to living this life right now to commit to putting two feet completely in so again that's really all about being in the present moment consciousness is about the here and now um as humans we tend to want to live in the past and we want to live in the future the past has happened the future isn't here yet all we truly have is right here right now and the more we can embrace this moment and being himself rather than running from self all the time the happier you'll actually be with the great severing this will be interesting
all about shadows and shadow cards and shadow selves this is all coming up a lot lately the great severing this shadow card one may feel confrontational don't be afraid it's here to bring up to the surface anything that's standing in the way of letting in love so this has been a really big process for me as well in this last couple of weeks of literally allowing all of who i thought i once was to be you know binned moving out of my own way and really allowing my heart to crack wide open to allow myself to feel absolutely everything good bad and the ugly so that i can really truly have an amazing human experience and i feel like this is what's being called in for a lot of people um it's the the worrying planet of mars is our constant reminder that it is important to soften forgive find our way back to love so keeping all of these barriers up around ourselves although it might feel like we're protecting ourselves but really standing in our own way of true happiness um there are many things in the human experience that make it difficult for our heart and soul to stay open to the never-ending source of love we're all wounded and our unconscious wounds inflict wounds on others which is so true hurt people hurt people and never intentionally well not all i'd say most time never it can feel like a never ending dance we can never escape if we aren't careful before long we'll see the world as the scary dangerous place where fear and anxiety roam free if this card surfaces it could be for two reasons firstly for you to acknowledge the difficult emotions situations conflicts wounds and fears that are causing your pain and anxiety so again these things come up they trigger us so that we can move through them so that we can release them so again the more i do this work and i'm triggered i'm now in the question why am i triggered what can i remove and what can i release from my existence now so that i'm not being triggered by these experiences so being triggered is really a good thing we want to actually drop into why is this triggering me when we heard it's normal to close off our heart to the world to let the painful experience confirm the agony of separation in earthly life soften and find your way back to love anyway when fear anxiety and paranoia paralyze you it's normal to want to hide away from others in the world come out of your cave and soften your heart anyway we're all innocent children spinning our way around the world find ways to see innocence in all people especially yourself which i think is a big one because we're always hardest on ourselves and i think it's all about having compassion for what life has thrown at us but you know what can we see and how can we show up differently earth pulsing i've only got two more 58
slow down well isn't that like this is beautiful
a mysterious pulse is blowing through all of life the planet itself has rhythm you can see it in the seasons and the tides in our world of artificial lighting long working hours and more modern convenience it's easy for us to feel stuck and off-kilter it's time to reconnect with nature and surrender to the pulse of earth earth pulsing is my favorite tool for surrendering to the rhythmic goals of the of mother earth and the entire universe so so many of us are disconnected from the land beneath us some somewhere along the way as the severing happened a moment when it became too painful to stay connected so generally what a lot of us tend to do especially um if you are like a starseed or someone who's quite um sensitive when things get a little bit too hard you tend to just want to leave like you kind of you leave your body you kind of tune out you just sever yourself from yourself because it's just it's a coping mechanism you basically disassociate yourself with yourself to to to cope but again through these tools the more we can stop that disassociation it just it just becomes easier um so we look to other people in the external world to feel the void of connection holding and belonging once given to us by earth taking clutching conquering longing for others to receive us fully as mother earth once did forgetting that she's still here waiting for us to remember and activate the parts of us that longs to receive her embrace so this really for me resonates that so many of us just feel so alone and so isolated and so like nobody can see us nobody cares and that we're doing life on our on our own and that's not the case at all i think the reason so many of us feel that way is because we're always looking to outside outside like external things to fulfill us when when we connect back with nature and we connect back with self that we actually can give us give ourselves all of what we're wanting and then you'll actually find you have a lot more fruitful relationships as well because you're feeling a void within yourself you're not looking for somebody else to do that for you so when you're constantly connected with the earth so again walking with no shoes on is an amazing way to ground yourself and soak up that earth's atmosphere or like um that exercise we did today this morning where we or sorry not this morning just before we pull we'd literally anchor ourselves into the earth that's also another really good way to energetically anchor yourself and pull that earth's energy through you um
yeah so you're able to drink from her sweet waters and release what no longer serves you stagnant energy falls away and you become connected to all things that is the planet so connecting with the earth as much as you can is a really really great way to get back into yourself
so the last one for tonight is star ancestors
this one or the pyramids that also keeps popping up a lot lately um lost wisdom look a little deeper the ancients knew much more than we do about our connection with the stars their pyramids temples and other places of worship created in precise alignment with the stars existing in all corners of the world if this ancient wisdom is available for you to uncover now you're being called to think and listen with your ancient heart and soul to tap into the part of you that remembers and knows all ancient secrets and whispered forever in your ears all mystic knowing blooms in your heart a potent power pumps through your veins you're being invited to step into your ancient knowingness so again this work is really all about removing yourself from yourself so that well i say yourself from self but you know ego from self in essence so that more of your soul self can drop back in when you're being invited to step into your ancient knowingness to be held by the remembering of the star ancestors to look a little deeper if you're feeling stuck you're being called to do something different to change your point of view so perspective is huge creativity happens when we put together two things that don't belong when we do the unexpected so often a creative solution is right right in front of us but because we think the same thoughts and act the same way we miss what's what's what's in the opening so i've been using this saying a lot nothing changes if nothing changes so if you keep doing the same thing you're going to get the same result um but sometimes you literally physically need to change your existence and you need to pull the rug from under you or somebody else to get a different different reality because until you start to do that you can't often see how can i change my perspective or how can my life show up for me differently or how can i show up differently from my life if everything remains the same so again i've just been on this huge big journey and i'm happy to share more with you about it if you want to no so you're here to remember and uncover ancient secrets and transmissions technology and wisdom that are so needed on this planet right now which is why we're all here and we're being called to do this work because we are needed more than ever um to unlock your soul's memories of a time when we lived in harmony on earth and one day will again so again like that's the perfect card to end this because it's so point around calling in all of our soul families so that we can all rise up together and i do think there's going to be like a great divide we'll have like our soul families going in one direction and then everyone else that's choosing to go in that another direction that's left will go in that direction um so i mean that's that's it for me tonight um i have so much gratitude and thanks for you all being here and um allowing me to help these shifts with you um i am going to post on facebook i'm going to offer a hundred dollars off um my a session either a package or an individual session whichever you feel called to so i will add on facebook the link i would love to have a chat with you first before we book in to figure out which is going to be the best route for you because this is such an individualized individualized sort of service some people do really need to commit to a couple of sessions to really get the maximum results because it is like peeling back the onion and there are so many facets to us so again it's been an absolute pleasure and honor thank you all for holding space and i am going to aim to do this at least once a week moving forward so i look forward to seeing you all again soon thank you thank you bye